Men often worry about quality of their erections. Sometimes sex life ceases to be bright due to unpleasant disease-related processes in the body. Stress, alcohol abuse, and poor nutrition habits can weaken erectile function or make an erection impossible.
Some causes of impotence are temporary. Unfortunately, some of them are irreversible. If a patient with diabetes is faced with erectile dysfunction, he needs to know about features of its treatment and chances of success.
Men over the age of 40 may be prone to some unpleasant diseases. Usually, such males have achieved their goals or are generating a flood of activities. Therefore, they do not give attention to ?trifles’. The increased frequency of WC visits or the need to strain a little while urinating may be ignored. As a result, many unhappy patients hear from the doctor an unpleasant diagnosis: benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
Many myths and rumors have grown around this male disease. Some facts are undeniable. But some speculations are misleading and can be harmful.
If you have problems with erection, it may even be difficult for you to think about the frightening diagnosis of erectile dysfunction, not to mention talking about it with your partner. Many men often choose denial and shut themselves up because they consider this a purely personal problem. But if you are firmly committed to getting rid of ED, you should not immediately run to the pharmacy or frantically search for a blue pill on the Internet, but first and foremost, discuss the problem with your partner.
Radical removal of the prostate (prostatectomy), regardless of the type of surgery performed, is one of the most common effective ways to combat malignant tumors in the prostate gland (prostate cancer). It should be noted that prostatectomy has a large number of complications, one of which is erectile dysfunction. According to statistics, an impressive percentage of patients develop ED after the surgery.
Although the pharmaceutical market offers many options for treating erectile dysfunction, usually these drugs provide only symptomatic treatment and not cure. Therefore, many people turn to alternative methods of therapy, hoping for an improvement in their condition and even complete recovery.
Sexual disorders are dysfunctions that prevent one or several partners from enjoying sex and / or performing a reproductive function. There are four key components of male sexual function: libido, erection, ejaculation, and orgasm. Dysfunction occurs when the operation of at least one of these components is disrupted.
Hernia is one of the causes that can directly or indirectly (depending on the type) affect the occurrence of erectile dysfunction.
For what reasons does this happen and what to expect after treatment is completed?
(more…)Today, one in four people has experienced depression at least once in their lives. This is due to the fact that the modern world is fraught with many stressful situations. If you are overtaken by depression, do not despair, there is always a way out, since there are many natural and pharmaceutical methods for treating this condition.
A significant percentage of men begin to experience symptoms of erectile dysfunction (ED) with age. The principal question they often ask ? is it possible to cure? Or maybe erectile dysfunction is forever? Let’s try to figure it out.
It is considered than a male has erectile dysfunction (ED) when he cannot have the penis erect before sex. There are many remedies for treating this health issue, including well-known PDE5 inhibitors. Methods can be medicated and non-medicated, and penis pump is one of non-pharmaceutical tools.
What works better ? Cialis or vacuum pump? What option should you choose and can you combine these two methods?